That’s not a one-step process. We listed a few valuable tips to help you promote and sell yourself as a content writer:

  • Create an awesome bio that shows your personality and writing skills.
  • Maintain social media presence, especially on LinkedIn. However, don’t just be present—engage in conversations, share your work or anything related to your industry on a regular basis, and look for content writing jobs.
  • Advertise you’re available for hire. For someone, this goes without saying, but many new writers forget to mention it in their bio, freelance work website, or social media profile.
  • Engage in blogger outreach. Put your content in front of relevant bloggers; for instance, start commenting on popular blogs.
  • Write your own blog or consider guest blogging, which is one of the best free ways to market yourself as an online writer.

Abdullah Ashraf
Abdullah Ashraf

Hey, I'm the creator of Hands Off Publishing. I've been writing content and serving website owners for the last seven years. In 2020, I decided to start my own agency so I can serve more clients and have a larger impact. When I'm not working, I travel, drink cappuccinos, and spend time with my family.